Snowman Shuffle book- Christianne Jones
The Freeze Dance song
- Hand-out Rhythm Sticks- review basics, practice lines from book (Clip-Clop)- Clip- Clop, Clippity-Clop, etc
Clip-Clop! book by Nicola Smee (with rhythm sticks)
- Collect rhythm sticks
- Hand-out Bean Bags
The Bean Bag song- Hap Palmer
- Collect Bean Bags
Moving Hands song-Put Your hands on your head… song, actions Darcie Johnston and Todd Bowie
Talk about fun sound activities at home:
Hide a toy that makes constant noise, cell phone with alarm on, etc. -Have child try to find by sound- “we must be getting closer- the beeping, etc. is getting louder or we must not be going in the right direction the sound is getting softer, quieter, etc.
Put toy, cell phone that is making sound in box and ask child if they can hear beeping, etc. then wrap toy in blanket, plastic bags, and/or put blanket, etc in box to muffle sound- see if you can make it so you don’t hear the sound at all. Beginning to learn about sound waves, etc. Remember to unwrap cell phone, etc. don’t want to overheat battery!
Musical Instrument to try- Colored Hand Bells for Kids
Craft- Jingle Bell plate:
Small white paper plate, hole punch 4 holes near edges, decorate plate with stickers, die cuts, crayons, markers, etc., tie jingle bells in four holes with fancy ribbon, Shake your jingle bell plate! Make up a song and jingle along- Jingle along to abc song, Jingle Bell song, etc